
C2k IT

Accelerate your Business

In-house IT Management

If you business can't justify a full time IT Manager, but need additional in-house IT skills? Hire a part time IT Manager.

Network Design

Moving offices, or need to upgrade your existing network for new staff and equipment? There are a number of tricks that can be employed to make your network faster, more flexible and more reliable.

Systems Refresh

Computers getting a bit old and slow? Need to work smarter, not harder? Talk to us about computer upgrade options, tailored to you and your budget.

Cloud Computing

Thinking of moving to the cloud. Talk to us first. Some things work well in the cloud and others, not so much. The trick is knowing which.
From Microsoft Office 365, Skye for business and Azure.

IT adviceā€¦

Need IT advice that is impartial and won't break the bank? Fed-up with consultants who want to spend your money with the most expensive suppliers? We are completely unaligned and could save you between 30% and 60%.

Project scoping and planning

Know what result you want and need some help getting there? We can sit down with you and design a solution specific to your needs, document it and supervise the whole thing.

Business process and system design

We can design an integrated system that will grow with your business. You can start small and add modules for each business process, each drawing from the other in a seamless solution. It's all in the initial design.

Software Development

When Excel isn't cutting it any more we can design and build a custom solution that can dramatically improve productivity, virtually eliminate costly mistakes, and let you work from anywhere.